Zlatara Imperia
Payment options and delivery
You can pay for products ordered on the website www.zlataraimperia.rs in two ways:
Payment of products with payment cards SOON
You can pay for your online order using your VISA, EC/MC or Maestro payment card. You need to choose the payment method Visa, Master or Maestro, and then you will be directed to the 3D Secure side of the bank, where you will enter your data and follow further instructions. Payment is not possible in foreign currency.
The customer who uses the online card payment service through our website is obliged to fulfill the following conditions:
Delivery of goods is possible only on the territory of Serbia and exclusively to the address specified in the user profile.
Only the owner of the payment card can make the payment.
Payment of products by cash on delivery (payment upon delivery of goods)
With cash on delivery, you pay the ordered goods to the courier in cash upon delivery and collection of the product at the address you specified when placing the order.
Product delivery
In cooperation with the courier service Post Express, we deliver the purchased goods to your home address on the territory of Serbia.
The price of delivery of orders will be charged according to the valid price list of the Post Express courier service. You can view the current prices and conditions HERE. Goods ordered by 15:00 every working day will be delivered to the customer's address within 4 (four) working days at the latest.

Priča o nama počinje 2000. godine i tada smo odlučili da krenemo putem svojih snova, a nešto kasnije ispostavilo se da je uprvo taj put jedini ispravan. Kada kažu da ljubav sve pokreće, mi bismo se složili sa time, jer bez ljubavi IMPERIA danas ne bi postojala u ovom obliku kakva jeste. Od samog početka znali smo da neće biti lako i da je kvalitet najbitniji, te nikada nismo dozvolili sebi da Vam pružimo nešto manje od najboljeg. Ono što ovoj zlatarskoj radnji i našem brendu daje čar, jeste upravo posvećenost čitave porodice i želja za istim ciljem. Taj naš cilj ne bi bio ostvariv bez Vas.
Vaša zlatara Imperia