Zlatara Imperia
Privacy Policy
Marina Đukanović PR of Zlatara Imperia (hereinafter referred to as Zlatara Imperia) has created this document called privacy policy with the aim of protecting itself and its users. Site visitors who have not become registered users, as well as registered users, are obliged to inform themselves about the site's policies. It is in mutual interest that these policies are respected.
Users are obliged to read this policy, but also to periodically return to this text because there may be some changes, and any use of the site after those changes implies that the user is familiar with them. Zlatara Imperia reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time in some of its parts. Zlatara Imperia may or may not notify all active registered users by email about changes to the privacy policy, and it is understood that all site users are familiar with and agree to it.
When you view the pages at www.zlataraimperia.rs, and you have not registered for one of our online services, you do so anonymously. On that occasion, we do not collect your personal information. However, our software uses the so-called cookies (cookies) for collecting information about how to use their Internet pages. On a group basis, information is collected and monitored about the server to which your computer is connected, the type of your internet browser (eg Firefox or Internet Explorer).
For each registered user, Zlatara Imperia will assume that the user is familiar with this Privacy Policy and that he has accepted that the data he left on the site will be used in accordance with this privacy policy.
Zlatara Imperia takes the Privacy Policy very seriously and it is very important to us that our users correctly understand how their data is collected, used and processed on our site. This privacy policy is valid for the entire website. Personal information about the user is collected exclusively for the purpose of the good functioning of the www.zlataraimperia.rs project.
Personal information about the user can be: those left when registering or purchasing products on the site, but it can be information that Zlatara Imperia receives from users through various activities on the site itself, which Zlatara Imperia uses to improve the user experience, monitor visits to our products and promotions based on preferences for certain product groups. These can be subscriptions to the newsletter, filling out surveys, opinions we receive from you... Users who receive the newsletter to the email address they left during registration or viber/sms messages via the mobile phone number they left during registration have the option to unsubscribe from those lists.
Zlatara Imperia will use all collected information with great responsibility and will take all precautions to prevent unauthorized access to this data. Zlatara Imperia will not share any information about users collected on this site with third parties.
Zlatara Imperia will probably address users with various notifications about products and services or offer participation in some surveys, ask for opinions or experiences, and the like through the emails sent during registration. For each such address, the user will be able to voluntarily accept it or opt out of the list.
Zlatara Imperia can publish information of a general type to third parties, but it will not be possible to identify an individual user from this information.
Zlatara Imperia will process data in accordance with the rules of this site. Zlatara Imperia will not go beyond the framework agreed in these regulations and the processing of personal information will be used for the purpose of the best possible functioning of the website.
Zlatara Imperia is not responsible for possible failures in the security of information that are not under the control of Zlatara Imperia. Precisely because of the fact that data security cannot be 100% guaranteed, Zlatara Imperia made a decision to require a minimum of information from clients and we expect the user to understand these circumstances and agree with this level of security, i.e. these privacy policies.
Zlatara Imperia guarantees that in the process of handling and processing personal information, it will apply all standard security measures and protect personal data collected from its users.

Priča o nama počinje 2000. godine i tada smo odlučili da krenemo putem svojih snova, a nešto kasnije ispostavilo se da je uprvo taj put jedini ispravan. Kada kažu da ljubav sve pokreće, mi bismo se složili sa time, jer bez ljubavi IMPERIA danas ne bi postojala u ovom obliku kakva jeste. Od samog početka znali smo da neće biti lako i da je kvalitet najbitniji, te nikada nismo dozvolili sebi da Vam pružimo nešto manje od najboljeg. Ono što ovoj zlatarskoj radnji i našem brendu daje čar, jeste upravo posvećenost čitave porodice i želja za istim ciljem. Taj naš cilj ne bi bio ostvariv bez Vas.
Vaša zlatara Imperia